Saturday, February 23, 2013


12 April 2012
08:57 PM

C: older name of patna. why called patna
C: which biryani is famous in india.
C: why food is not cooked properly at heights.
C:What do you understand from stories of vikram-betaal.
M1: PDS system and its problems
M1: which nobel laureate from india has worked in field of poverty.
M1:any report about his work.
M2: tell about mallaca strait.
M2: Oil is the next greece .comment.
M2: tropical and temperate cylones?
M2: eye of a tropical cylone.
M3: tell about henry fayol
M3: small is beautiful. comment
M3: what is scalar process.
M3: why IAS?
M4: what is algorithm.
M4:what is GIS.
M4: how gis can be used in urban n rural areas.
M4: when abdul kalam says "ignite your minds".. what do u understand.
C: thankyou... u can go

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