Thursday, April 11, 2013

expert comment from our reader

Everyone wants to know about the marking pattern of their respective boards.....i just want to say that all the present boards (excluding new members) give all kinds of marks in the range from 230-240 to 70-80....difficult to find a pattern in their marking but there are some common perceptions about the members as given below.......

p agar - gives all kinds of marks....better marks for arts candidates....marks based on how well opinion-based questions are answered....

pk mishra - gives all kinds of marks....cordial board....most of the time marks matches with performance....

img khan - extra cordial all kinds of marks....used to be liberal in his first and second, not that liberal....

vijay singh - cordial...perf matches with marks....not very liberal as he used to observation is that people from iits are not given the marks they deserve....

rajni - ac-dc type, many get above 200, equally many get around 100....perf doesnt match with marks in most of the cases....not cordial....relies on first impression about the candidate more than others...

venk reddy - likes assertiveness in the candidates....likes engineering candidates who have work experience....even otherwise, he is all kinds of marks....

alk sirohi - liberal, not very average marks if proper confidence levels are maintained even if answers are not good....

any corrections you people want to make??? :)

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